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0417 947 225


47 Single Street, Werris Creek NSW 2341

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Frequently Asked Questions

If rollers are all that is necessary is there a saving on the quoted price?

Yes, to replace rollers, clean track and service lock costs start from $200.00.

Does WD40 or other lubricants help maintain sliding doors?

No, in some cases they can cause problems stopping the rollers rolling becoming “sliders” and prematurity wearing the rollers and in some cases damaging the aluminium bottom track.

Do I need to replace the door and frame if the bottom track is badly damaged?

Using the “Miracle” stainless steel cap (an Australian innovation) the majority of doors can be restored to the original condition providing years of continued use and saving the cost of replacing the door and associated disruption of time associated with replacing the door and extra trades to finish the job.

Does installing the stainless cap increase the maintenance.

No, to maintain the rollers for years regular vacuuming of the track, removing dust, dirt and hair and wiping down with soapy water will give the best chance for the rollers to last as they were originally designed.

I also use baby wipes as a handy quick wipe to remove grease and grime to help maintain rollers and tracks.